Florian Pompowski

Hi! I created uwap.org and all of the projects there (and many more).


Mail: flo@uwap.org

Matrix: @mathlete:matrix.org

GitHub: pmpwsk

Work experience

  • Freelance programming (occasionally, over 4 years and ongoing)
  • Personal programming and open-source projects (over 8 years and ongoing)
  • Teaching computer courses (programming and more - over 3 years and ongoing)
  • Professional tutoring (mathematics, english - about 2 years)
  • Stage technician (for my high school - about 3 years)
  • A few internships for software development


  • A-levels in Germany ("Abitur", grade 2.5)
  • English for business (C2, highest possible)
  • Currently in the 5th semester to become a computer science bachelor

My skills...

Below are some categorized lists of what I can do, along with subjective ratings over how much of those things I feel like I know.


  • English (9/10, level C2 certified)
  • German (9/10)
  • Latin (3/10, "Latinum" certified)

Programming/computer languages

  • C# (8/10, actively teaching)
  • Java (5/10)
  • SQL (4/10)
  • HTML (4/10)
  • JavaScript (4/10)
  • TypeScript (4/10)
  • CSS (3/10)
  • Pascal (2/10)
  • Assembly (2/10)
  • LaTeX (2/10)
  • Python (2/10)
  • Basic (basic knowledge, pun intended)
  • C (2/10)


  • .NET in general (8/10)
  • ASP.NET (6/10)
  • Windows Forms (7/10)
  • WPF (6/10)
  • Visual Studio extensions / VSIX (3/10)
  • Visual Studio Code extensions (3/10)


  • Git (5/10)
  • Visual Studio (7/10)
  • Hyper-V (7/10)
  • Visual Studio Code (6/10)
  • Arch Linux (6/10)
  • VMware Workstation (6/10)
  • LibreOffice (6/10)
  • Microsoft Office (6/10)
  • Debian Linux (5/10)
  • Windows Server (pi/10)
  • Media stuff (4-5/10): Photoshop, GIMP, OpenShot, Kdenlive, OBS, FL Studio
  • Headless stuff (3-5/10): samba, vsftpd, dotnet, ufw, sshd, ...

Other skills

  • Software engineering
  • Networking
  • Typing (90-100 wpm sustained)
  • Problem solving
  • Optimization
  • Coming up with ideas (I have more ideas than time or space)
  • Motivation to work (workaholic)
  • Basic designing (graphics, interfaces)


  • Award for exceptional performance in computer science ("Gesellschaft für Informatik", 2021)
  • High school: a few awards for performance in mathematics and stagework over time
  • "Jugend Forscht" (local/regional 3rd place in 2019, participation in 2021)
  • "Mathematik-Olympiade" (every year from 4th to 11th grade, rather successful)
  • "Jugendwettbewerb Informatik" (3rd round in 2020)
  • "Planspiel Börse" (4th place in 2018)
  • "Känguru Mathematik" (95 pts. in 2016)
  • "The Big Challenge" (english, 2015 and 2016)
  • "zdi Roboterwettbewerb" (2014)


If you're interested in hiring or contracting me - thanks! Please contact me using any of the methods above, I'm looking forward to it.